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💌 Limited Time Shopping Event: Build Your Own Premium Brush Set!  
💌 Limited Time Shopping Event:
Build Your Own Premium Brush Set!  

Michael Rinaldi


Michael started out his professional creative career as an industrial designer from Los Angeles back in 2004, an alum of Art Center College of Design, with aspirations to work in the world of automotive design. Like many, his path diverged quickly, and he pursued a freelance career in industrial and graphic design that ultimately led him to launch a publishing company built around his passion of recreating scale miniatures.

Rinaldi Studio Press (RSp) was founded in 2012 with the mantra to create the highest quality how-to scale modeling publications available to the hobby market. To date, he has created a dozen titles and seen sales to almost every country on the planet. It's been an incredible journey recreating history in scale, and will continue with the hopes to leave a legacy of many fellow artists following his teachings.

Incorporating his education in design, he founded a series of how-to (DIY) books on painting and weathering scale models to a very realistic level that uses many of the same tools and products of the art world. Each chapter is filled with the education of working with brushes and paints to finish a miniature, and the main cornerstone for these tasks are the fantastic KINGART 9020 Golden Taklon (Original Gold) series of brushes. Their function and quality have proven invaluable in Michael's work, going back many years, as well as those of his thousands of customers and followers.

He continues to utilize the excellent KINGART brushes on every project, plus their new line of oil paints and watercolor pencils to faithfully recreate a world of historical scale models for a global audience.


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