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Beginner Watercolor Holiday Card Tutorial - Wreath

Beginner Watercolor Holiday Card Tutorial - Wreath

There is something so special about the personal touch of opening the mailbox in December and receiving a handmade card. Follow along as Watercolor artist Bethany Carroz of West Oak Watercolor shares the step by step process to create a watercolor holiday card with a wreath pattern that is very beginner friendly. Grab a few supplies, your hot cocoa, and follow the step-by-step process to create this fun and easy watercolor holiday card this festive season!


KINGART® PRO Artist Watercolor Paint, 12ml (.4oz), Set of 24 Unique Colors 
KINGART® Original Gold® 9040 Round Stroke™ Series Premium Golden Taklon Multimedia Artist Brushes – size 8 and size 6 
- Watercolor paper – I cut my sheet to 10x7 so I can fold into a 5x7 card
- Jar(s) of water
- Palette to mix colors
KINGART® PRO Graphite Sketching & Drawing Pencils, Set of 12 

      Step 1:  Draw a circle with pencil.  I often trace around a cover from a jar to get a perfect circle!

      Step 2: To create cranberry bunches, use a thick consistency of crimson red paint on your size 6 brush to create a small circle.
      - Dip your brush back in your water jar to dilute the color, then create another small circle next to your first cranberry, just touching the edge of the circle to get a little bit of color bleed. Add a 3rd berry to create your bunch!
      - Place these bunches as desired around the penciled circle.

      Step 3: Using your size 6 brush and a lighter consistency of burnt umber paint, hold your brush at a 45 degree angle and make short brush strokes to create the scales of a pinecone.
      - Leave plenty of white space in-between the scales as you create shape.
      - Once dry, add a second layer with a thick consistency of brown paint along the bottom of each scale to create a shadow and depth. Add as many as desired around the penciled circle.

            Step 4: To add the greenery of the wreath, work in small sections.
            - First, work with a thick consistency of green mixed paint on your size 8 brush. Hold brush at a 45 degree angle and set the tip of the brush down first, and then the belly of the brush to create the leafy shape.
            - Rotate side to side to cover the section, and then rinse off much of the color in the jar and go back and do the same brush strokes in-between the still wet leaves to create some pretty color bleed and variation.
            - Continue to do this around the wreath – you might find it easier if you rotate the paper as you go around the circle!

                Final Card: To finish off your card, play around with adding words or sentiments inside or below your wreath.  You could also add a pretty red bow or a border around the card!

                Follow Bethany on instagram to get inspired by her watercolor painting talents!


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                Johanna Sillberg - November 14, 2023

                Thank you very much for these nice tips :)

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