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💌 Limited Time Shopping Event: Build Your Own Premium Brush Set!  
💌 Limited Time Shopping Event:
Build Your Own Premium Brush Set!  
Meet the Artist: Kristopher Washburn

Meet the Artist: Kristopher Washburn

I am a Western Colorado native who loves all that my home state has to offer for outdoors and recreation, including fishing, camping and hunting. I am a self-taught watercolor & ink artist. I started painting in middle school and high school influenced by some pretty awesome art teachers! I dabbled in all the mediums. My favorite being watercolors, spending many hours learning the fundamentals and different styles! 

After marrying my high school sweetheart and starting a truly amazing family, I temporally sidelined my art endeavors. After much encouragement from both my wife and a couple of artistic close friends, I broke out my old art kits and began painting again, starting off painting Colorado themed fish and wildlife.  I also discovered the Inktober challenge that occurs every October and through their daily prompts, I really started to find my artist rhythm again!

My works can be found featured around our local city of Grand Junction in Angler Shops and Breweries, as well as other angler shops throughout Western Colorado, and local art markets year round!  

Kingart asks: It sounds like you have developed strong relationships with local businesses as an outlet for selling your art and increasing exposure. Any tips you can offer on developing and keeping these relationships?

I've done a lot of footwork rubbing elbows w/ local Anglers that in turn have name dropped me bringing attention to local shops. The Christmas Season by far was the best way to get your foot in their doors with your artwork. Many local businesses here in Western Colorado love to feature local artists! And when you have a product that themes well with their merchandise... It's a win win for both parties! Having your artwork featured in a storefront window was one of the coolest things to experience! My best advice is to reach out to your local shop owners, especially around the Holiday Seasons. 

The other way to get your artwork out there is through Local art markets or Holiday Markets that feature all local crafters and Artisans! They are a lot of fun, and can be extremely profitable financially as well as get your name and art outside of your home and featured nationwide! I have a few pieces hanging in Air B&B's scattered across the U.S. that were purchased from one of our local holiday markets! 

Kingart asks: You mentioned that participating in the Inktober challenge helped you find your rhythm again as an artist. Are there any regular activities or processes that you do to continue to stay in form and continue to develop as an artist?

I do a lot of Youtube video tutorials looking for a better way to create or use paints! my paints and brushes more efficiently! Bianca Rosen is an artist I follow through Instagram catches her tutorials in Watercolor techniques! I actually discovered her social media page through your Featured artist lineup on Your Website! 


KINGART® PRO Artist Watercolor Half-Pans, Tin Box with Water Brush, Set of 48 Vibrant Colors


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Jillian - December 11, 2023

Chris, your art work is so amazing! You are a talented artist who deserves to get you name not only in the local community, but state wide!!

Beth w. - November 30, 2023

Local artists are the communities best “Secret Weapon” for tourism and getting noticed by other art collectors. His artwork of Colorado’s wildlife is a great depiction of their species.

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