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💌 Limited Time Shopping Event: Build Your Own Premium Brush Set!  
💌 Limited Time Shopping Event:
Build Your Own Premium Brush Set!  
Meet the Artist: Natalie Boone

Meet the Artist: Natalie Boone

Natalie is a mixed media artist focusing mainly on watercolor. Her favorite subjects include anything botanical and portraits. Her paintings have been featured in art galleries, book collaborations, and in online partnerships on social media. In addition to creating art, she loves to teach classes so others can learn the joy of art. When Natalie isn't in her studio painting, she is busy wrangling her two young boys, spending time with her husband, gardening, or reading a good book.

You have many different facets to your art journey. Can you tell us a little bit more about your journey and how you got started?

I’ve always been interested in art. Even at a young age I was experimenting with paints and pencils, but I didn’t become serious about pursuing art until adulthood. After I had my second child I was feeling a bit lost in my identity. That’s when I took my first watercolor class and was hooked immediately. I spent my kids’ nap times learning as much as I could online and practicing at my kitchen table. I started my Instagram page soon after to share my progress and it all took off from there. Since then I have built a really special community of artists and friends and have been able to build a little side business. 

Teaching of course in addition to subject knowledge requires other skill sets. Can you share with us some information about your classes and your teaching style?

Teaching is one of my favorite ways to share my love of watercolor with others. I love how accessible the medium is because anyone can do it! The first part of my class always includes some basics about watercolor, including information about supplies. Then we spend some time experimenting with paint so my students can get a feel for how the paint and paper interact. The second part of my class is a step by step tutorial of a specific piece that I have designed and provided for the class. I try to include written, verbal, and visual instructions so that all learning types can be successful. My favorite part is watching my students realize that they CAN paint and create something beautiful and unique! Plus they have a finished piece they painted themselves by the end of the class to show off in their own homes. 


KINGART® Finesse™ 8000 Round Series Kolinsky Sable Synthetic Blend Premium Watercolor Artist Brushes

KINGART® Original Gold® Aqua Acrylic Handle Series

KINGART® Original Gold® 9000 Round Series Premium Golden

KINGART® Pro Inkline™ Fine Line Art & Graphic Pens

KINGART® PRO Graphite Sketching & Drawing Pencils





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